Southdale Bible Chapel | Song View | Lamb Of God - Twila

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Lamb Of God - Twila
Orig Key: C | New Key:

Title: Lamb Of God

Artist: Twila Paris

Key: C

Tempo: 52


>{ccli_license: 974362}

>{ccli: 16787}

>{copyright: 1985 Jubilee Communications Inc. | Mountain Spring Music}

>{footer: For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved.}

Verse 1

          C       G      C
Your only Son, no sin to hide 
    G/B      Am       Fmaj7 C/E      Gsus     G
But You have sent      Him from Your side     
   G/F       Am       Fmaj7 C/E     Am      Fmaj7
To walk up - on        this guilty  sod     
            C/G           Gsus C       G F C
And to be - come the Lamb of  God          

Verse 2

     G       C         G       C
Your gift of love they cruci - fied 
     G/B         Am        Fmaj7 C/E   Gsus     G
They laughed and scorned    Him as He  died     
    G/F    Am       Fmaj7 C/E     Am       Fmaj7
The humble King      they named a fraud    
            C/G            Gsus  C
And sacri - ficed the Lamb of    God 


           Am       F      G/F     C/E     C
Oh Lamb of God,      sweet Lamb of God     
  G/B      Am       Fmaj7 C/E     Gsus    G
I love the ho     -  ly   Lamb of God     
   G/F     Am       Fmaj7 C/E     Am       Fmaj7
Oh wash me in        His precious blood    
         C/G              Gsus C       (G F C)
My Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God           (V3)

Verse 3

  G      C      G           C
I was so lost I should have died 
    G/B      Am       Fmaj7 C/E    Gsus     G
But You have brought   me to Your side     
   G/F    Am      Fmaj7 C/E       Am      Fmaj7
To be led by       Your staff and rod     
          C/G           Gsus  C
And to be called a lamb of    God


|  C . G  F  |  C . G  F  |  C          |
...    .........    .........            
CCLI Song # 16787
© 1985 Jubilee Communications Inc. | Mountain Spring Music
For use solely with the SongSelect® Terms of Use. All rights reserved.
CCLI License # 974362